Торт Шоколадный Марленка 800г

MARLENKA® is a traditional honey cake with cocoa, made according to an old Armenian family recipe. The secret manufacturing procedure enable to combine the honey and milk mixture to create this multi-layered honey delicacy.
  • Unique, rich taste and texture
  • 100% Natural Product
  • Contains NO Preservatives, Artificial or GM ingredients, NO Alcohol or Animal Fat
Вместе с этим также покупают

Торт, Мёд и Грецкий Орех 800г

MARLENKA® is a traditional honey cake with nuts, made according to an old Armenian family recipe. The secret manufacturing procedure enable to combine the honey and milk mixture to create this multi-layered honey delicacy. The top is drizzled with chocolate icing and sprinkled with chopped walnuts.

Наполеонки Пирожное 300г


Творожный Сырок Глазированный с Ванилью "Карумс" 45g


Хлеб Бородинский Амбер ~700г

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