Смесь для Сладких Блинчиков 500г

EASY TO MAKE Only some water needed additionally.
Product description


400 g of flour mix + 800-900 ml of water

  1. Pour the package content into the bowl, while stirring add 600-700 ml (3,5 glass) of cold water. Stir until mixture comes together into a solid creamy mass.
  2. Fry in fat-heated frying-pan until lightly browned.


Banana crepes

Peel off the bananas and cut into sticks. Put the prepared bananas on the baked side of a crepe, make a roll and bake both sides. Serve with a sauce made with condensed milk and cream. For the sauce, heat the condensed milk and add the same amount of cream, add vanillin and heat the mixture. Pour the ready sauce on the crepes.

Apple crepes

For the filling, grate sour apples with coarse grater, add sugar and cinnamon, mix thoroughly. Put prepared apples on the baked side of the crepe, make a roll and bake both sides. Serve with sour cream, whipped cream or jam. 

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