Sweets With "Riga Black Currant" Balsam, Laima 135g


A unique candy collection has been created combining two brands loved and favoured – Laima chocolate and Riga Black Balsam. Taste the unique flavour captured by Laima candies with Riga Black Currant Balsam filling. So special and alluring – this candy is a chocolate with balsamic soul.

Contains alcohol
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Existing reviews
Gorgeous blackcurrant (liquid) liqueur chocolates
These are our second favourite liqueur chocolates. Each chocolate is a generously sized 25mm across and 20mm high, with 15 chocs to a box.

Each delectable chocolate is brimming with a delicious blackcurrant balsam liquid filling. Lovely.
Rachel Evans | 13/07/2020 10:54
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